Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urbanism in Bucharest, Romania
Special Award
- International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva
H Index
- Google Scholar: 23
- Web of Science: 14
- Scopus: 12
- ResearchGate: 19
Alexandru-Ionuț Petrișor
Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urbanism in Bucharest, Romania
SCOPE Number:
Born in 1975, Alexandru-Ionuţ Petrişor earned from the University of Bucharest a BS in ecology (1997) and Ph.D. in geography (2011), from the University of South Carolina an MSPH in biostatistics (2000), and a Ph.D. in ecology (2004), from the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies a certificate degree in project management (2012), and from the Romanian Ministry of Education a Habilitation in urban planning (2014) and highest research rank in biology (2013) & geography (2017).
He is a Professor and Director of the Doctoral School of Urban Planning at Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urbanism in Bucharest, Romania, and an Associate Professor at the Technical University of Moldova (Chişinău, Moldova). His work in over 60 research grants resulted in over 600 publications (including over 270 journal articles, 50 books and chapters, and 50 conference proceedings in conferences) and 450 presentations, lectures & courses (including over 250 oral presentations and 75 posters), and parts of 30 urban and spatial plans, recognized internationally by memberships, including Sigma Xi, the Society for Urban Ecology and International Association for Landscape Ecology, and awards in international invention shows, including the International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva.
He is a member of many editorial boards of journals including Land (Clarivate & Scopus), Journal of Urban and Regional Analysis (Clarivate ESCI), Present Environment and Sustainable Development (Clarivate ESCI), and Chief Editor of Urbanism Architecture Constructions (Scopus). His research interests include land cover and use changes and their transitional dynamics, structural & functional organization of man-dominated ecological systems, numerical methods in ecological, biological & geographical research, GIS applications, and predatory publishing.
Recent Publications
- Petrişor A.-I., Mierzejewska L., Mitrea A. (2022). Mechanisms of Change in Urban Green Infrastructure – Evidence from Romania and Poland. Land 11(5):592 (ISSN 2073-445X).
- Petrişor A.-I. (2021). Predatory journals: how far can they go? An in-depth look at the outliers. BOSNIACA – Journal of the National and University Library of Bosnia and Herzegovina 26:137-154 (ISSN 2303-8888).
- Petrişor A.-I., Petrişor L. E. (2021). Recent land cover and use in Romania: A conservation perspective. Present Environment and Sustainable Development 15(1):81-92 (ISSN 1843-5971).
- Petrişor A.-I., Hamma W., Nguyen H. D., Randazzo G., Muzirafuti A., Stan M.-I., Tran V. T., Astefanoaiei R., Bui Q. T., Vintilă D. F., Truong Q. H., Lixandroiu C., Ţenea D. D., Sîrodoev I., Ianoş I. (2020). Degradation of coastlines under the pressure of urbanization and tourism: Evidence on the change of land systems from Europe, Asia and Africa. Land 9(8): 275 (ISSN 2073-445X).
- Petrişor A.-I., Sîrodoev I., Ianoş I. (2020). Trends in the national and regional transitional dynamics of land cover and use changes in Romania. Remote Sensing 12(2): 230 (ISSN 2072-4292).
Conference Presentations
- Petrişor A.-I., Mierzejewska L., Mitrea A. (2022). Can planning influence the dynamics of urban green infrastructure? Answers from Poland and Romania. 1st International Electronic Conference on Land – Towards Land System Science. May 18, 2022, Sciforum, Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, Basel, Switzerland.
- Aouissi H. A., Petrişor A.-I., Gaagai A., Ababsa M., Kebaili F. K. (2022). Geo-statistical Approaches to Study the Influence of Land Use on Avifauna in North Africa. 1st Conference on Future Challenges in Sustainable Urban Planning & Territorial Management. January 17-19, 2022, Sciforum, Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, Basel, Switzerland.
- Popescu O. C., Petrişor A.-I. (2021). A historical view of addressing the connectivity of the Green Infrastructure in the urban plans. 5th IAFOR International Conference on Sustainability, Energy & the Environment – Hawaii. January 9, 2021, Honolulu, Hawai, USA.
- Garjoabă A. I., Crăciun C., Petrişor A.-I. (2020). Management of natural protected areas within the Romanian cities. Case study: Văcăreşti Protected Landscape and Natura 2000 Sites. 10th Asian Conference on Sustainability, Energy & the Environment. November 7, 2020, Toshi Center, Tokyo, Japan.
- Popescu O. C., Tache A. V., Petrişor A.-I. (2020). Methodology for identifying the ecological corridors. Case study: planning the brown bear corridors in the Romanian Carpathians. International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD). September 21, 2020, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA.